About Us

Sutton Place Lounge

About Us

Our Story

Our History The tale of Sutton Place Hotel dates back to the nineteenth century when it was   
first built as a residence for one of Dominica's local families. It was later sold to the Harris   
family, also Dominican, who later converted their home into a guesthouse as far back as the   
1960s. In fact, many locals fondly remember Sutton Guesthouse and "Mother Harris",   
Sutton's matriarch and caretaker. In 1979, Hurricane David wreaked unbearable devastation   
upon the island and the guesthouse was destroyed.   

Today, built upon the remains of the original structure, Sutton Place Hotel was rebuilt in   
traditional Caribbean style, and the Harris family continues the Sutton near-century old   
tradition - comfortable elegance with warm Dominican hospitality.

The hotel in the heart of everything
